Sabine Bailly, PhD, Conference Co-Chair

Sabine Bailly, PhD, Conference Co-Chair


Conference Co-Chair

Dr Sabine Bailly is a director of research at the INSERM Institute since 1994 (BioSanté Laboratory INSERM U1292, Grenoble, France). She is working on the ALK1 signaling pathway and HHT since 2000.  In 2007, her group identified the two high affinity ligands for the endothelial receptors ALK1 and endoglin, which are BMP9 and BMP10. Her group demonstrated that BMP9 and BMP10 are produced in the liver by stellate cells and circulate in blood as homo- and heterodimers. Using Bmp9 and Bmp10-knockout mouse models, her group showed that circulating BMP9 and BMP10 induce vascular quiescence and liver homeostasis. Her group is also involved in translational research. They have developed genetic functional tests for ALK1 and Endoglin mutations and are involved in several HHT clinical trials with the group of Dr Sophie Dupuis-Girod in Lyon (French HHT reference Center). Since her pioneering work, this signaling pathway is now clearly identified as a key pathway in vascular quiescence. She is internationally recognized in the field of BMP signaling, vascular remodeling and HHT.