Philippe Marambaud, PhD, Speaker

Philippe Marambaud, PhD, Speaker


Dr. Marambaud is currently Professor and Head of the Laboratory of Memory Disorders & Vascular Biology at the Feinstein Institutes, Northwell Health, NY. He obtained his PhD in Biology in 1998 from the University of Nice/Sophia-Antipolis in France. He then completed a postdoctoral fellowship in 2000 at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NY. He was recruited as Faculty at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, in 2004 and as laboratory Director at the Feinstein Institutes, Manhasset, NY, in 2005. Since 1995, Dr. Marambaud’s research has focused on the molecular basis of neuronal degeneration in Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. In 2015, his laboratory significantly expanded its activities to include programs to study hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. Research in his lab centers on developing new human cell and mouse models of HHT to identify disease-modifying drug repurposing strategies. His work includes generating a new HHT mouse model that uses the injection of anti-BMP9 and BMP10 blocking antibodies. His team contributed to identifying tacrolimus, sirolimus, and nintedanib as potential drugs for repurposing in HHT; clinical trials are now underway to evaluate the efficacy of these three drugs in HHT patients.